Get a snapshot of the relay connections
Generic cache store for events
Main connection pool
Profile cache/loader
Relay cache for "Gossip" model
Relay loader loads relay metadata for a set of profiles
Send an event to all permanent connections
Event to broadcast
cb: ((rsp) => void)Callback to handle OkResponse as they arrive
Create a new permanent connection to a relay
Relay URL
Read/Write settings
Fetch data from nostr relays asynchronously
Request to send to relays
cb: ((evs) => void)A callback which will fire every 100ms when new data is received
Push an event into the system from external source
Open a new query to relays
Request to send to relays
Connect to a specific relay and send an event and wait for the response
Relay URL
Event to send
Generated using TypeDoc
Check event signatures (reccomended)