
  • Setup LNURL service


    • lnurl: string

      bech32 lnurl / lightning address / https url

    Returns LNURL


#service?: LNURLService
#url: URL


  • get canZap(): boolean
  • Are zaps (NIP-57) supported

    Returns boolean

  • get isLNAddress(): boolean
  • Is this LNURL a LUD-16 Lightning Address

    Returns boolean

  • get lnurl(): string
  • Return the optimal formatted LNURL

    Returns string

  • get max(): number
  • Max sendable in milli-sats

    Returns number

  • get maxCommentLength(): number
  • Get the max allowed comment length

    Returns number

  • get min(): number
  • Min sendable in milli-sats

    Returns number

  • get name(): string
  • Human readable name for this service

    Returns string

  • get url(): URL
  • URL of this payService

    Returns URL

  • get zapperPubkey(): undefined | string
  • Return pubkey of zap service

    Returns undefined | string


  • Returns void

  • Fetch an invoice from the LNURL service


    • amount: number

      Amount in sats

    • Optional comment: string
    • Optional zap: object

    Returns Promise<LNURLInvoice>

  • Get the LN Address for this LNURL

    Returns string

  • Returns Promise<void>

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